© MCL & Associates, Inc. 2001 - 2024
MCL & Associates, Inc.
“Eliminating Chaos Through Process”
A Woman-Owned Company.
Frame-Build-Measure-Learn Feedback Cycle

Zach Nies, Chief Technologist at Rally Software Development, has improved upon the Business
Canvas Model begun by Alexander Osterwalder, subsequently popularized by Steve Blank and Eric

He has added a Framework step to the Build-Measure-Learn Feedback Cycle to those familiar with
the Lean approach to business startup.  Lean Startup emphasizes the rapid development and
deployment of Minimum Viable Products (MVP) in a rapid succession, designed to test Product /
Market fit.  Each product roll out is designed, developed and deployed to test a specific Product /
Market fit hypothesis based upon documentation, and  on specific, and focused customer feedback. 
The results of specific customer behavior metrics establish whether the product roll out was actually
something that customers wish to buy, and not just wishful thinking.

MCL provides affordable Lean Startup services based upon the Frame-Build-Measure-Learn
Feedback Cycle for small businesses  and startups.

Contact us at: info@mcl-associates.com

MCL believes that effective experimentation is key to navigating the uncertainties we face as
companies and as a society. If you want to ensure you learn from experiments, Frame before you
Build and Measure. As the level of uncertainty continues to increase, our futures depend on us
getting good at this.

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photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of MCL& Associates, Inc. Copyright 2001 - 2024 MCL & Associates, Inc.
All rights reserved.

The lightning bolt is the logo and a trademark of MCL & Associates, Inc.  All rights reserved.
The motto “Eliminating Chaos Through Process” ™ is a trademark of MCL & Associates, Inc.  All rights reserved